About Us
Dwight Korgan, MD, ABFM and ANI Integrative Health Practioner Level 2 certified (IHP level 2) is uniquely qualified to assist in helping you rebalance and heal. In his more than 40 years of practice as a family physician he has always taught true natural healing methods. This incorporates rest, exercise, diet, stress management and supplements to help you avoid medication and progression of disease.
This combination of experience and IHP certification opens the door to utilize both functional and traditional laboratory testing not understood by most physicians. Functional lab testing answers the ‘why’ of your illness or symptoms providing a new level of understanding enabling a more accurate and speedy pathway to recovery and good health.
At ANI Integrative Health Dr Korgan is able to practice functional medicine anywhere in the world. As a functional medicine client he will recommend traditional tests you can order through your PCP (primary care physician) as well as functional medicine tests that you complete at home. He will explain lab markers that are out of balance even when they are “in the normal range.” Normal does not necessarily mean ideal and ideal is what you want to feel your best, age well and attain ideal weight.
Christine Korgan, RPT, MPH, Certified Integrative Health Practioner, Level 2, has over 35 years experience in physical therapy woring with children with physical challenges. And now as an IHP Level 2 certified practitioner, she is able to assist you in ordering and understanding functional medicine lab tests as well as coaching you through your healing process.
Both Doctor Dwight and Christine (Christy) Korgan at ANI Integrative Health highly value their health as well as yours. They are anxious to assist you in overcoming challenges with weight control, aging, gut health and dis-ease processes including autoimmune diagnoses such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, MS and diabetes.
We use scientific, time tested and proven methods and protocols to help your body heal and then stay well.
Our promise is to be available throughout your healing journey encouraging you and providing the necessary guidance.
Sometimes only baby steps can be taken at first, but willingness to make changes and invest in your health will result in permanent improvements in your health.

Our Story
Dwight was born in Southern Rhodesia, South Africa (now known as Zimbabwe) to missionary parents. This exposure lit the fire of helping others as well as fostering cultural and lifestyle sensitivities that were literally “born into him.” His father was raised on a farm, loved gardening and instilled that love in him as well. In his home eating your veggies was not an option!!! Playing musical instruments as a family taught him the value of team work and playing games together taught him fairness and the desire to excel. (His dad and siblings never “let” him win- you got what you earned). He also learned to love participating in sports and prize physical activity as a healthy release for stress.
Dr Korgan attended Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, TX completing a BA in Chemistry and mathematics, Summa Cum laude.
While in college he met a young lady (Christy) who would become his lifelong sweetheart. By chance both chose to continue their professional education at Loma Linda University in California, Christy in physical therapy, and Dwight in medicine.
Through Christy’s research, he became interested in functional medicine as well as essential oils.
Dr Stephen Cabral, ND became a daily visitor in their home via his podcasts. They quickly realized that he was teaching a message they were anxious to put into practice personally and professionally. As the desire to share this gift of true healing became an obsession, they jumped at the chance to join his Integrative Health Practitioner program. And as part of the very first class, completing level 1 and 2 certification in November of 2019.
Dr Korgan added ANI Integrative Health principles to his busy traditional medical practice. Realizing as he did so, that the potential for helping people heal “treatable but incurable diseases could actually become a reality.”
Christy says ‘I was oldest of 5 children and have always been a care giver – passionate about staying healthy and using natural methods to do so. In spite of my wonderful accomplished ‘doctor husband’, I never felt well – with joint aches and pains,rashes, daily headaches and brain fog, overwhelming fatigue, and IBS. I was always searching for a better way as well as an explanation for the frustrating ‘your lab work looks fine’ when I felt like poop. I had amassed an arsenal of supplements, lotions and potions, each which provided minimal benefit, especially in the hodge-podge way that I used them. It was a magical moment when we discovered Dr Cabral and my ‘always looking for a better way, openminded’ husband’ was ready to hear the message and incorporate the profound truths.
Functional medicine testing identified the source of my problems and I am totally appreciating my healing journey. Today I can honestly say that I feel better than I have since my teen aged years. ‘I am so very thankful.’
Dwight and Christy have three of the most awesome children in the entire world, and five beautiful grand babies who live quite literally all over the world. (As well as a beautiful daughter-in-law and 2 amazing sons-in-law, not pictured here) Throughout their life they have enjoyed gardening, bicycling, snow skiing, water skiing and generally just being outside and as active as much as possible. They are active in their local church and love to contribute through music as well as other ways.